The number one trick for a healthy body

What do all these items have in common? I was challenged to share something about myself that you may not know.


In my teens, I had a very unhealthy relationship to eating and working out. I used to wrap myself in plastic wrap to work out so I would sweat out as many calories as possible. I tried every fad diet and took diet pills to try to lose weight. I competed not with myself and my own goals, but with others who I could never measure up to. 

As I got older, I realized that this is not a healthy way to achieve my health and fitness goals. I started paying attention to my body and how I felt after eating certain foods, and how I felt after particular workouts. And I slowly started incorporating new healthy habits into my lifestyle, and guess what? I started to feel and LOOK better.

It didn't happen overnight though. I STILL work everyday on personal development to maintain a healthy relationship with myself. This is the number ONE key to a healthy body- a healthy MIND! And I'm always re-evaluating my food choices because I know that what works for me today may not work for me next week or next month or next year. I research EVERYTHING so I have all the information my analytical mind needs to make a choice. And all this led me to writing my own books about food and how to live my best life.

If you have an unhealthy relationship to food or fitness, you CAN make a change... one step at a time, to change your habits for life. YOU GOT THIS!
