I never really knew much about network marketing and the potential for income it provides until my husband and I joined a wellness company a few years ago. We dipped our toes in the pool by trying the products first before we joined because ethically we couldn't promote a product if we didn't believe in it. We both loved the products and decided to jump in together, learning the basics of how to succeed in the business and generate income. We are going strong in this company and still use the products every day, however my heart never really jumped in with me.
Fast forward a year when my good friend Cynthia asked me to join her in a hair care company she was involved with. Hair was never really my 'thing' but I joined just to get better pricing on the products. I LOVED all the hair products, still do, but I just couldn't get my heart in the game to promote hair products so I let a year go by without doing anything with the business and let my membership expire.
Fast forward another year and this hair care company launches a skin care line! Cynthia is raving about it because she is an esthetician, a pro in her field and a 'mad scientist' about ingredients, so she researched the products and loved them all. And if Cynthia says 'use this', I'm using it! I loved all the products just as much as she did so I joined her team again.... and again did nothing with the business.
Then COVID hit and I was feeling down, isolated and without purpose. Then one day, I decided in an instant that I wanted to go all in and work this opportunity with Cynthia and her team to feel like I could be of service to others and feel like I had a purpose. I learned that network marketing isn't a scam, it's a legitimate business that allows many people to work from home and generate income. And for me, I got SO MUCH MORE than I could ever have imagined!
All the women, from the newbies to the ones at the top of the company, are SO NICE! And they want to help and encourage each other! I've always been a very private person who is more comfortable with a few friends and staying in my comfort zone than having a bunch of people around. This opportunity has helped me step outside of where I feel safe and warm and jump in the pool with the others and have fun. It's instilled in me how important personal development is and how to not take it personally when others say no to the products and opportunity I'm sharing, It's given me confidence in myself that I've never had before and a boldness that I've needed for so long.
Oh, and did I mention I get to share the amazing hair and skin products with others that I love so much? And that I'm so blessed that I get to make money just by sharing? But truthfully, the money isn’t even why I’m doing it. My heart gets SO FILLED being able to help women (and men) with thinning hair that makes them self-conscious, getting to help a new mom fade the dark spots on her face from pregnancy and helping a mother of 2 make an income when she got hours cut at work and her husband got laid off.
What I gained from this opportunity is SO MUCH MORE than I ever thought possible. I found new friends, a renewed motivation for my life and most importantly, my purpose. If you’ve never entertained the idea of joining a network marketing company, you just may want to reconsider. It might be just what you need to be the best version of you and to share your passion with others. And if hair, skin and wellness is your jam, why not jump in the pool with me?! It’s nice and warm here.