WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. Our actions always affect others- whether in our own family, community, state or globally. Trying times are a reminder of that. For good or bad, what we say and do can have a tremendous impact on others, turning ME into WE. And WE is always greater than ME.
Just as one breath from someone in China can affect us right here in our own homes, words and actions can have the same power on others near or far. Difficult times can create either chaos or connection. A kind word or action, love and compassion can change how we view and respond to situations in front of us.
None of us are immune to the ways of this world
None of us are immune to the ways of this world- physically, mentally, spiritually or financially. We can either sit at home thinking only of ourselves or we can act knowing that one thought, one breath, one kind word or action can change the world.
We can love and encourage all those we come in contact with, in our own homes and on social media. We can spread kind words, photos, scripture, positive thoughts and ideas for all of us going through the same thing. We can share how we are handling difficult situations to help prevent others from having the same difficulites. We can share all the happy, positive things that are happening in our lives and spread LOVE & HAPPINESS. We can call, text, and facetime family and friends and check in on a neighbor, bringing peace and comfort to others in a difficult time. And we can pray for the health of our fellow humans, near and far knowing that if one person heals, we can all heal because WE ARE ALL CONNECTED and WE is always greater than ME.